2022 Ignite Conference

2022 Ignite Conference



2022 Family Camp

2022 Family Camp



It was so good to be back together at our 2022 Family Camp in Hungy Horse, Montana.

We were so encouraged to hear some great talks from various leaders in our Life Links Network.

2021 Back to Normal Conference

2021 Back to Normal Conference

LifeLinks 2021 Conference – Back to Normal (Not Quite)



Mark Clark and Geoff Surratt each provided a virtual session dealing with this topic.


(Session 1) Welcome from Ian Byrd & Mark Clark – Village Church

(Sessions 3 & 4) Network Update and Val Byrd & Kevin Beeson

(Session 2) Dave Wells – Leader Emeritus, LifeLinks International

{SESSION 5) Greg Surrat – Seacoast Church & Wrap Up from Ian Byrd

2020 Thinking Beyond The Box Conference

2020 Thinking Beyond The Box Conference

2020 LifeLinks Online Conference

Our guest speaker, Pastor Dwayne Cline, hit home runs with his messages “The Unstoppability of God”, “Lament”, and the wisdom he shared in the interview with Pastor Mark Hughes. 

2020 Prophetic Pursuit Conference

2020 Prophetic Pursuit Conference

2020 Prophetic Pursuit Conference

The 2020 Prophetic Pursuit Conference was held February 07 – 08 in Calgary, AB at Harvest CFC. Dr. Clem Ferris was the keynote speaker. Diane and Todd Harrison were the organizers and hosts and the lineup of speakers included, David Harrison, Karyn Pearson and Margaret Graham with worship provided by the local Grace Revolution Band. Harvest City, Regina sponsored the event. You can listen to main conference sessions below. 

Keynote Speaker: CLEM FERRIS

Keynote Speaker: CLEM FERRIS

International Prophetic Ministry, Speaker and Teacher

Dr. Clem Ferris travels full time in ministry and missions from his home base, Grace Church, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He holds a B.A. from Michigan State University and an M.A. and Th. D. from Jacksonville Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Mary Jane, have four children and five grandchildren.



Dynamic worship band elevating Jesus above all!

Grace Revolution Band are a spirit empowered worship band based in Calgary, AB. The 2 key members of the band Margaret Graham and Clay Nunweiler are both accomplished worship leaders who have enjoyed many opportunities to serve local churches and ministries locally, nationally and internationally over the years. Margaret leads the Worship and Arts department at Harvest CFC. She is a passionate worship leader, vocalist, leadership mentor, song-writer and musician. Clay is a gifted worship leader, musician and song writer. Margaret is married to Richard and they have 2 children and 3 grand kids.  Clay is married to Danielle and they have 5 children.

Facilitator: Diane Harrison

Facilitator: Diane Harrison

Prophet, Teacher, Author.

Diane Harrison has ministered in the prophetic for over 20 years and with the local church raising up prophetic teams and traveling to various churches teaching others to do the same. She has a passion to see the church brought into maturity and function in the love and power of God. Diane is the coordinator of the prophetic teams at Harvest City Church. She is also the mother of 3 and grandmother of 5 fantastic grandchildren.

David Harrison resides in Lethbridge, AB, Canada, with his wife, Ashley, two sons, Judah and Rowan, and daughter, Zoey.
He is the director for Burn 24/7 Lethbridge; is a Christian Counsellor, author of Who Am I? Drugs to Dreams, and has been serving in leadership in the local church for the past 13 years. His passion for the gospel really took off in his early 20’s as he saw God’s glory and deliverance through signs, wonders, and miracles, as he ministered in SE Asia, Africa, and Europe on mission trips.
David Harrison has a passion to see people come into the reality of their renewed identity in Jesus, discovering the dream of God over their lives -their destiny -making them His answer to a broken world.

Karyn Pearson is the Associate Pastor at the Open Door Church in Morris, MB. Over the years she has served in various capacities in both a local Church and para-Church setting as a national speaker, trainer and online course creator. She has studied dream interpretation as part of her master’s degree with Communion with God University and has since been teaching people how to hear God’s voice and interpret their dreams through her workshops, online training and personal interpretation. Karyn’s greatest joy is to see people living out their lives authentically and purposefully. She and her husband live and run a small business just outside Winnipeg and enjoy their relationships with their four sons, three daughters-in-law and grand-daughter. 

Diane and her husband Todd have been part of the Leadership Team of Harvest City Church since 1989. Diane is the coordinator of the prophetic teams at Harvest City Church. She has had years of experience prophesying, teaching  and equipping others in prophetic gifting. Her experience includes presenting at conferences, workplace settings, banquets and seminars.

Todd, was an elder at Harvest City Church and the  principal of Harvest City Christian Academy,for over 30 years .He and Diane spend time travelling and equipping leaders in local churches worldwide. .  Their three children are married and they now boast of seven  grandchildren added to their family mix.  Todd and Diane  feel privileged to be involved in the Kingdom “for such a time as this”.