Hello, I’m Susanne Maynes
… the tabs below indicate the areas where I’m best able to serve in the area of equipping.
I’d love to chat about way’s that I could help your ministry or church. Simply fill out the contact form below and I will be in touch soon.
I am passionate about developing the gift of prophecy in fellow believers so that the whole Body is regularly strengthened, encouraged and comforted by the Holy Spirit. I’m also passionate about teaching spiritual truth and I enjoy preaching when I have the opportunity. I’ve developed a prophetic team at River City Church, and I’d love to see teams raised up in other churches as well. I am on track to complete a Master of Theological Studies degree in May 2023, the focus of which is prophetic ministry and women in leadership.
Lewiston, ID. USA
Please insert your contact number in the form below and I’ll get back to you very soon.
susannemaynes (at) gmail.com