Hello, I’m Margaret Graham

… the tabs below indicate the areas where I’m best able to serve in the area of equipping.

I’d love to chat about way’s that I could help your ministry or church. Simply fill out the contact form below and I will be in touch soon.


I’ve served in ministry beside my husband Richard as lead pastors at Harvest CFC in Calgary for over 30 years. My primary passion revolves around worship! One of my greatest heart desires has been, ‘to find, mentor and release tomorrows Holy Spirit empowered, prophetically anointed worship leaders, today!’

Over the years my ministry opportunities have grown to include conference speaking, regular preaching, mentoring leaders and being a coach and cheerleader for the next generation. 

My journey has given me many helpful insights to encourage and equip other leaders and church communities with tools they might need to help every believer find their true identity in Christ so they can fulfill the call and mission of God with confidence. I also love to point people to the unfailing love and faithfulness of God. I want everyone to know about God’s redemptive plan and purpose and His amazing ability to restore the broken through reminding them that God is committed to completing the work he started in their life and ministry.

In the area of worship training I believe God is looking for worshipping church communities and pure hearted worship leaders and teams who are yielded, hungry and willing to carry His glory and partner with Him to see cities, towns and every surrounding community transformed by His presence.

I also really also enjoy being a mom and absolutely love to spend time with my grandchildren as often as I can!


Calgary, AB. Canada


Please insert your contact number in the form below and I’ll get back to you very soon.


info (@) margaretgraham.com


My Inquiry About Equipping

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