Hello, I’m Ian Byrd

… the tabs below indicate the areas where I’m best able to serve in the area of equipping.

I’d love to chat about way’s that I could help your ministry or church. Simply fill out the contact form below and I will be in touch soon.


I’ve been connected with the LifeLinks network since its inception in 1989 and have been a lead pastor for the past 22 years. That, along with my role as Apostolic Team Leader, fuels a passion to see our network family thrive and each member reach his or her full potential in Christ. I believe I can assist with that through preaching and teaching in network churches; meeting with leaders in groups or one-on-one to help guide them in their growth and development; and working with church leadership teams to facilitate the creation of their plans and strategies for the future.


Calgary, AB. Canada


Please insert your contact number in the form below and I’ll get back to you very soon.


ian (@) lifelinks.org


My Inquiry About Equipping

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