Our Leadership
The LifeLinks Family of Churches is a relational group of churches and ministries that encourages the unique calling and individual expression of the churches and ministries we serve. We celebrate the diversity of the church while holding fast to the core fundamental elements of the Christian faith.
As a basis of Leadership, LifeLinks has what we describe as the “Apostolic Team” to provide the umbrella of spiritual oversight needed in our Family.
The members of the Apostolic team are:

Ian Byrd
Apostolic Team Leader
Calgary, AB, Canada
BIO (Click To Open)
IAN BYRD functions as the Apostolic Team Leader. Ian has “grown up” in the LifeLinks Family and he and his wife Valerie are on the Lead Team of Harvest CFC in Calgary, AB, Canada.
They also give apostolic oversight to ministries in Canada, the UK, and parts of Africa. Their passion is to see God’s Kingdom expand as believers find and fulfill their destiny and calling. Ian and Val are blessed with four sons, three beautiful daughters‐in‐ law, and four grandchildren.

BIO (Click To Open)

Kevin Beeson
Team Member
BIO (Click To Open)
KEVIN BEESON lives in Lewiston, Idaho, USA and serves as the Lead Pastor of River City Church. He’s been a part of the Life Links and River City Church family since 1993. Kevin is passionate about helping the local church fulfill their unique call in their spheres of influence, seeing the kingdom advanced locally and around the world. Kevin and his wife Shelleigh have two great sons, Aidan and Rowan.

BIO (Click To Open)
JOEL WELLS and his wife Angela have been part of Harvest City Church since childhood. They were married in 1997 and have three lovely daughters – Eden, Asia and Jael. After 11 years teaching high school, he joined the HCC eldership team in 2006 and then, in 2009, succeeded his father Dave as Lead Pastor. Joel also started Lift Evangelistic Ministries in 2016 and regularly preaches overseas in large evangelistic festivals.

BIO (Click To Open)
FRANK HACKETT and Jody Hackett are Senior Leaders of the team at Connect Church in Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada. Frank loves helping churches effectively introduce people to Jesus, intentionally disciple Jesus followers, and strategically launch each person into their Kingdom calling. His passions include spending time with family, weird t‐shirts, church multiplication, and pie.